Friday, February 09, 2007


A few years ago the Social Security Administration arbitrarily decided that FoxyJ's birthdate is not the date she was born on, and it appears that no matter how many of their hoops we jump through, they are unwilling to change their minds. Every year we think we have this fixed until, once again, our electronic federal tax filing is rejected because we've supposedly entered the wrong birthdate. Argh.


Kengo Biddles said...

It could be worse. One of my co-workers is reported dead with 2 of the three credit-reporting bureaus. That right there is a problem. And he's spent days trying to get them and the SS Administration to realize that he is himself and NOT a zombie...

Th. said...


Have you considered lying?

Melyngoch said...

Well, clearly the government wouldn't be wrong about such a thing. So you must be. Golly, you'd think you'd know your wife's birthday.

Samantha said...

I don't know what your wife's problem is...I would take both birthdays and expect you to give me gifts and a party each time.