Thursday, August 24, 2006

One More Thought

The blog party is in a week and a half. That makes me happy.


Christian said...

That makes us all happy.

Unknown said...

I have seen your name & comments in a few other "related" blogs I've come across the past two weeks. My life is a mess. These two weeks have been the worst of my life. Trying to come back but every second is a fight that I've already lost a thousand times.

Won't go into all the details here... it's too exhausting. But felt I should reach out. Wish I had these few blogs (yours and gaymormonandmarried) two years ago before I gave up everything. Unfortunately no one was writing like this back then... or I didn't find it. Somehow I felt there was no one who was doing it. That it was impossible. I felt so alone.

I'm married with 3 kids. I almost left them. But I'm here, trying to stay.

Will tell you more later but just wanted to connect.

Can't tell you how important it is for me to know that others are out there doing it too.