Friday, March 21, 2008


no one asked me yesterday about the huge pressure bandage on my forehead. I was ready with a story about how I had this huge zit, and then when I popped it...

But alas.

Innocent Child: Daddy, where do lame jokes go when they die before they're told?

Daddy: (Patting child on the head) The Fobcave, honey. They go to the Fobcave.


Samantha said...

Am I too late???

Mr Fob, WHAT is that huge pressure bandage on your forehead? Oh my goodness!!

B.G. Christensen said...

I don't know what you're talking about. I just have a flat little flesh-tone bandage hiding under my bangs.

Sorry, you're too late. I only had to wear the huge pressure bandage for the first 24 hours.

Samantha said...

Darn. It's so difficult to notice such things when vast miles separate us.

Samantha said...

P.S. You might be the only guy I've heard that refers to hair extending over the forehead as "bangs". Most others lack such astuteness and simply call it "hair".

B.G. Christensen said...

Well, I am a special sort of guy. And I have five older sisters.

Samantha said...

Agreed. :) With the special guy part. I have no way of determining if the sister part is true.

B.G. Christensen said...

You can determine that it's true by noting that I said it.

B.G. Christensen said...

And re: noticing such things when vast miles separate us, it was a REALLY big, white bandage. Surely if you were paying attention...

Samantha said...

You're right, of course. Except, I'm terribly near-sighted, complicated with an unusual amount of astigmatism--in truth, I'm legally blind. However, I shall apply myself to looking for very large bandages in your direction in the future.

Craig said...

Oy, they sure do.

Oh, and I call it bangs. It is different from the other hair on the head so needs a differentiating name, does it not?

B.G. Christensen said...

Samantha: So long as you do your best.

Craig: They have to go somewhere, don't they?