Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Post #23

I have just finished my fifth novel. You will be disappointed, though. It has nothing to do with rubber pants. Don't get me wrong--I love rubber pants. But where will we find rubber pants our size?

I should clarify, by the way, that by "finished" I don't really mean "finished." I mean I have completed rough drafts of five novels now. Only one of them has undergone enough revision to make it anywhere close to publishable, and even then my thesis committee had major issues with it.

But still, it's nice to feel like I've done something.

And I promise my next post will go to great extents to point out what a loser I really am because, believe me, I'm as tired of the bragging as you are.


svoid said...

I was waiting for this post. I also counted your posts this morning in search of the elusive #23. I almost fell into the same trap as Mandi and failed to see your genius. But then I clued in, and decided to wait for the rubber pants quotation to show up in your next post :)

Cricket said...

If you knew how hard I am laughing right now....

Anonymous said...

Great! When will we see a finished copy?

B.G. Christensen said...

Based on my current pace, probably about four years from Octember. Writing is the easy part; revising is torture.

Th. said...


I envy you. My last two years have been spent almost exclusively on revising and cover letters.

Tolkien Boy said...

Congrats! And *I* get to read it. I even know what it's about.

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm almost done, too.

B.G. Christensen said...

No, we certainly wouldn't want anyone tooting their own horn around here.