Saturday, April 22, 2006

Please, please, please

PLEASE watch out for pedestrians. Especially if you drive a white four-door sedan, Utah license plate 337 PEC, and you came within two inches of hitting my daughter this morning as you made a very fast right turn across our greenlit crosswalk. The rest of you, if you see this car, give it a good kick for me.


JB said...

Holy crap! I'm glad she's okay and that you were around to make sure of that! I'm going to be so much more careful now... I don't always watch crosswalks when the light is green...

John said...

Utter Bastards.

TK said...

Wow! That must have given you a good scare! So glad she's okay. I'll bet you were shaking for awhile, afterwards, though! Give her an extra hug and kiss for me, please.