You might not know that November was National Wear Your MoHo Uniform to Church Month. Despite the fact that I've never liked the term MoHo much and I don't consider myself a Mo(rmon )Ho(mosexual), I thought it would be nice to participate in honor of my many gay Mormon friends. I ran across a couple problems. First, I don't go to church or, for that matter, any place that requires a dress shirt and tie. I overcame that problem this morning, albeit a week late, by attending a service at the local Unitarian Universalist church. I was overdressed for their casual Sunday meeting, but not so much that I felt uncomfortable.
The second problem was that although I have several blue dress shirts, it turns out I don't own a single green tie. I found a remedy by reversing the official MoHo uniform with a green shirt and a blue tie. MoHo purists, who stick to the official (albeit backward) definition of the term as a Mormon who happens to have ties to homosexuality, might find this inversion appropriate, as I am by their definition a HoMo, a homosexual who happens to have ties to Mormonism. Never mind the fact that the shirt and tie really don't go well together at all.
Please note, everyone, that if this trend catches on and other LGBT former Mormons hop on my green-shirt-and-blue-tie bandwagon, leading to the adoption of new terms to define gay Mormondom--i.e. "Are you a Blue Shirt?" "Oh, no, I used to be, but now I'm a flaming Green Shirt."--I want you (I'm looking at you, Oxford English Dictionary) to remember that I was the first.
I don't consider myself a Mo(rmon )Ho(mosexual)
Uh oh. Does that mean I need to remove your feed from the "MoHo" folder in my reader?
I hope that this doesn't lead to a bunch of green-collar HoMos looking down on all us blue-collar MoHo schlubs. :)
Well, I accepted your invitation to the MoHo Bloggers Facebook group, so I brought it on myself. I'm just glad that the criminal justice system is so much easier on green-collar crime, giving us those nice cushy cells in federal prisons.
Ha, reversing the colors. Clever. Such a rebel.
That's me--born to be wild.
I don't look good in the Moho uniform...although technically, given my sexuality, I probably should...I'm not good at the butch thing, though. I try! GAH! ACK!! STRESSED!!!!!
Thanks a lot. :(
P.S. Are you guys coming to Utah at all in December?
Maybe you should try the HoMo uniform.
P.S. No, probably not again till next summer.
I can't believe you just called me and my family rats. Well, you're a bunch of... of... mongeese!
No! Not mongeeses!! They eat snakes...I love snakes...uh...not in the culinary fashion, but in the curl up and cuddle mode.
You really know how to throw a punch.
Now you know what happens when you mess with the Fob.
You only won because I don't fit into the bustier yet...and I'm bad at throwing my invisible lasso of truth.
But I'll get even. I'm watching you even now, from my invisible airplane.
(Too bad it doesn't fit five people. We could all just fly to Utah and have a party.)
Or, you know, you could just land and we could have a party here.
Incidentally, I'm writing about an invisible plane as we speak. Totally inspired by you and your wonderness.
Oh my goodness! So am I!! know was in your comment box...
Never mind.
By the way, I so love word verification. I've had some lovely ones during our conversation. This particular one is "dearther." One who has an insufficiency??? I believe I will compile a Word Verification Dictionary, complete with definitions and parts of speech.
The difference is that mine is fiction and yours is autobiography.
I wish I had a clever word verification to contribute to your dictionary, but I don't get them on my own blog.
Well, I feel a little weird about butting into the Samantha/Ben comment dialogue, but...feeling weird is apparently not going to stop me.
#1) I don't think HoMo has quite the same punch as MoHo. It's too easily confused with homo. Of course, MoHo (or moho) sounds like a hairstyle. Like a mohawk fro or something.
#2) I am going to emphatically agree that the shirt and tie don't go well together. You are shattering harmful gay (or bi) man/fashion stereotypes. Bravo.
#3) My favorite shirt is flaming green. All of the sudden I'm feeling a little odd about that.
I'm glad it didn't stop you.
1. Yeah, the idea behind HoMo, according to the peeps who invented the term along with MoHo, is that it really is no different than homo. Maybe I'll start a MoHo hairstyle trend.
2. Amen, sister.
3. Do you wear a blue tie with it? I've got several if you don't have one.
I don't think a tie would go very well - it's a bright green t-shirt that reads, "In tennis love equals zero." I think it was like $6 at Old Navy.
I think it would look stunning. Especially if you play tennis in it.
Hm, maybe I'll have to rethink it then.
Yeah, what she said.
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