Tuesday, January 20, 2009


In his acceptance speech on Election Day, Barack Obama specifically mentioned "gay and straight" Americans--I believe that was a first for a presidential acceptance speech. This morning in his inaugural address, President Obama said that Americans are made up of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, "and non-believers." Say what you want about political correctness, but as a gay agnostic, I appreciate being included.


Go for It ! said...

Non-belivers get mentioned more rarely than space aliens, and I appreciated the mention also.

Scot said...

Those two bits were important to me too. If there's one thing that keeps coming up in minority issues for me it's the importance of being recognized, just seen as a fraction of the whole instead of the other. It's better than any argument.

Braden said...

Yeah, I was thrilled.

B.G. Christensen said...

Go for It!: Ah, but what about those poor space aliens?

Scot: Amen.

Bawb: And amen.

SenecaSis said...

I believe this is one of the greatest reasons behind Barack's success: his inclusion of ALL Americans. And an inclusion that, at least to me, seems genuine.

It's about time that this nation has a leader who truly believes and acts as if it's citizen's "are all created equal."

I look forward to the next eight years ;)

skyeJ said...

Scot, I like your point about a minority being a fraction of a whole instead of a completely outside entity to the whole. What a simple and powerful observation. eca

skyeJ said...

I'm not sure how "eca" ended up on that last comment. phantom keyboard

Rebecca said...

FINALLY! It's great to be noticed, and not in a tarred-and-feathered kind of way.

C. L. Hanson said...

Re: Non-belivers get mentioned more rarely than space aliens

lol, tragic but true!

Me too!!! :D

B.G. Christensen said...

Sis: Me too!

skyeJ: Wasn't Phantom Keyboard one of the Star Wars prequels?

Rebecca: Yeah, but we can always look with nostalgia back at the tar-and-feather days.

Chanson: I think it's clear now that space aliens are the real threat. If we get rid of them then we'll be just fine.