Thursday, February 02, 2006

Goal Report 1

As promised, I'm reporting on my goal progress. (And, incidentally, Foxy's goal progress, but I'm sure she won't mind.) I don't do this because I pretend you care, but because this provides added motivation to do what I said I would. Foxy and I figured out a while ago that goals work best when we break them down into small, specific chunks, and keep track of them in a public place--we hang this sheet on our fridge for all our visitors to mock.

Notice the goal I do most consistently is going to the gym. It helps that I have several motivations: in addition to keeping the goal for the goal's sake, I have Tolkien Boy and Sethillama expecting me to meet them at the gym at least two of the three times a week I need to go, I have the Spring Into Fitness program at work encouraging me with the promise of Mall Bucks, and, perhaps the strongest motivator of all, I am vain. I don't mean that I suffer from delusions of buffness or even general attractiveness, but that I really want to be buff and attractive and I'm hyperaware of my physical strengths and flaws. And working out makes me feel good, both physically and emotionally.

I should clarify that I don't count blogging toward my writing goal and I don't count comic books toward my reading goal, nor do I think 15 minutes a day is an ideal amount of time to spend on either, but it's a good bare minimum to start with. On the days I manage to do 15 minutes I often end up doing more. The number of days I don't even get that 15 in is pitifully high. I hang my head in shame. I am happy to report, though, that I've nearly completed reading my second book of the year and February has barely started, so I'm ahead of my book-a-month goal.

You'll notice neither Foxy or I am very good at getting in bed by 10:30. Oh well.

On the other hand, we're doing pretty well on our Spice goals. Spice, of course, being the plural of spouse, not a reference to the porn channel of the same name.

S-Boogie, also, is doing a good job of reading more than twenty minutes a day (not counting naptime and bedtime reading) and getting on-the-floor interactive playing time with each of her parents.

As for Goal V, I decided it would be weird to quantify and report, but I've been making a decent effort, I think.


  1. Coincidence #34234 (or thereabouts): I, too, like to pluralize spouse as spice (like mouse to mice). And then my friends all look at me like I'm a freak. And then I explain it. And then they continue looking at me like I'm a freak. Because, let's face it, I am one. All right, now that we got that cleared up I can continue cleaning my classroom.


  2. I noticed that you both (but expecially FoxyJ) have done quite well on your scripture reading goal - even more so than on some of the others. I just couldn't resist commenting something to the effect that you seem to be "seeking first the Kingdom of God" :) Good job - on everything!

  3. .

    This was a really good idea.

    Maybe we'll make some Groundhog Day goals and follow them in a similar way....

    (Since we never do things on the proper holday anyway.)
