Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Unto Us A Man Child Will Be Born

If I had a scanner I'd show you the ultrasound printout, but I think we ought to wait until we have space to put it before we get a scanner.

On the way down to the doctor's office we listened to Lauryn Hill sing:
Unsure of what the balance held
I touched my belly overwhelmed
By what I had been chosen to perform
But then an angel came one day
Told me to kneel down and pray
For unto me a man child would be born
As it turns out, that was a good omen. When SkyeJ did a free sneak-peek ultrasound a month ago and was pretty sure it was a girl, to be honest I was disappointed. Don't get me wrong--I'm not one of those guys who only wants sons--but we already have S-Boogie and I figured it was time to have a boy. And the Chinese gender calendar had told us it was a boy, so I was beginning to lose faith. But eventually I got used to the idea of having another girl, so it was a surprise today when the nurse pointed to a very obvious boy part and typed on the screen, "BOY." It's like finding out all over again that we're having a baby, because this is not the baby that I've been expecting for the last month. I feel giddy. I should have had more faith in the Chinese gender calendar; it hasn't failed us yet.

Now we need to decide on a name, as Phoebe won't work so well anymore.


  1. Haha. Congratulations, guys. That's awesome. And you're right, Phoebe? Not so good. How about Phoebus? Pheobus Fob. Has a nice ring to it...


  2. Congratulations.

    I nominate Edgy as a name. Or how about E. Kibby? You can call him Kibster for short.

  3. YEA!! Congratulations!!

    Dear S-Boogie: I hear little brothers are totally cool- I don't know from experience, but I have good sources.

  4. Felicidades! Now I have someone to give all of baby K's clothes to, yeah! That's super duper pooper fantastic...

  5. .

    (At least until you think of something better.)

  6. Hey! That's very exciting to read! Some of each is a good way to have children. Not only is each kid a completely different person, but boys are very different from girls..and not just in the obvious way. I agree that Phoebe won't be a popular name for a boy, especially when he's about in fourth grade...But, you know that Rutiger is still available.

  7. Actually, we have long been fans of your name, Edgy, but it doesn't work so well with our last name. I mean, Edgy Fob? People would think he's some kind of freak.

    We will, um, take all the other suggestions into consideration. Especially Rutiger.

  8. Many congratulations. This is such fun news.

  9. Oh wow! Check out my post today! When my brother and sister-in-law got pregnant, I wanted to steal FoxyJ's pee-stick and post it on my blog. Today, I searched the internet for a picture of an ultrasound with a good penis, but I couldn't find anything that I felt adequately represented my soon-to-be nephew. Too bad. But congrats to all of us!

  10. By the way, that last comment, that was me, Absent-minded Secretary, being a little absent minded.

  11. Don't worry, Absent, I won't reveal your secret identity to anyone.

  12. I had been waiting to hear the news, but then forgot to comment with my CONGRATULATIONS!

    This 'feels right', and I'm not even Chinese!
