Monday, October 27, 2008

Dear Prop 8,

Please stop using our children to manipulate people. Not just the children you've literally used in your commercials without their parents consent, but also the children of heterosexual couples everywhere you claim to be defending (from a threat that doesn't exist) and the children of same-sex couples who you conveniently sweep aside, lest their existence ruin your argument that gay couples only want marriage for selfish reasons, unlike those selfless heterosexual couples who do it for the children.


Mr. Fob


  1. Unbelievable. I'm tempted to email this around, mainly to the people I've been "discussing" the school issue with, but at this point they range from impatient to PISSED OFF at me for sending them information on why prop 8 is discriminatory and wrong. But this is a great video - thanks for posting it. Maybe I'll post in on my facebook profile, even though it doesn't seem like anyone ever watches those.

  2. Yeah, I suspect that anyone who isn't already convinced is tired of me talking about it by now. Oh well. That's no reason to stop trying.

  3. This is getting ridiculous. I have looked and tried to find reasons to support Prop 8, but I have been unable to. Everything is lies or scare tactics. My conscience will no longer allow me to sit silently while people exploit fears that don't exist. However, judging from how long society has taken to get to this point regarding racial and gender equality, marriage equality is going to be an issue for a very long time, I'm afraid. In 30 years, we're going to look back on this and laugh at how ridiculous this issue really was.

    Aren't you guys glad you moved to California??

  4. Wow. WOW. Really? 'Cause I thought their whole argument is "won't somebody think of the children?!?!" And then they go around using other peoples' kids in their commercials without those peoples' permission.

    I'm with the green architect here. I feel like I understand some of the reasons that people want to back prop 8, but aside from the ones that are actually just false, the others don't hold any water with me at all. I think most of it is fear being spread by those who are afraid.

  5. Thanks, GMA. It gives me hope to see faithful Mormons who see the lies and scare tactics for what they are and aren't afraid to say so. I agree this will be a long battle no matter how Prop 8 goes, but I also agree that it's inevitable that marriage equality will come sooner or later. Hopefully my being in California can help make it sooner.

    JB, I've realized in the last few days just how much the Prop 8 thing is not about faith at all, but about fear. A good friend recently said that fear is antithetical to faith; I hope others who share his faith will come to see that as well.

  6. Fear is antithetical to faith - that's such a nice way of putting it.
