Monday, October 27, 2008

Because the Best Gift You Can Give is Your Conscience

And don't I deserve it?

Next Monday, November 3rd, is my birthday. I'm sure most of you have been fretting for months about what to get me. Well I have a suggestion.

See, the day after my birthday is another, though somewhat less well-known, important day. It's Election Day. If you give me the gift of voting for Barack Obama and/or voting no on Propositions 8, 2, or 102 if you live in California, Florida, or Arizona, respectively, you will not only make me happy, but you will make the world a better place. But the important part is making me happy. If you can manage to vote in California, Florida, and Arizona, all the better.

In all seriousness, if it doesn't violate your conscience and you want to donate to the No on 8 campaign in my honor (or even not in my honor), I'd be honored.

And also in all seriousness, please vote. For who or whatever your conscience tells you to vote for. But especially if your conscience agrees with mine.


  1. I sent in my absentee ballot last week and voted for Obama AND no on 8! Happy birthday!

  2. Happy birthday Ben.

    I hope to Evolution that Obama wins.

  3. I didn't even realize you're registered in California, Rebecca. Hurrah!

    Craig, do you suppose it's okay to go so far as praying to Evolution? You know, just for that extra boost of help.

  4. It certainly can't hurt. It seems to me to make a lot more sense to pray to something we actually know exists ;)

  5. Thanks for solving my birthday gift dilemma. You get your wish and Barack gets my vote.

    Sorry, we don't get to vote on a marriage proposition; but I will be voting "NO" on the rail question, and "NO" for ConCon. I'll dedicate both to you.

    Happy almost birthday little brother!

  6. Happy Birth Day, Ben.

    I'm was going to vote straight ticket for the Constitution Party. But, just for you, I'll vote for Obama.

    (Isn't it against federal election law to ask for votes for your birth day present?)

  7. Yep, I am! I could have registered in NJ, but I figured both states are almost certainly going to Obama, and my vote could do more good in CA where I could vote NO ON PROP 8! And I'm WAY excited that I could do that.

  8. obama, that's easy

    how about a yes vote on assisted suicide? (i think it's always nice to have all options at hand)

  9. SenecaSis: Woo hoo! Bonus presents!

    Scot: I'm not sure your vote will do much good, being cast into the Great Utah Republican Void as it is, but I suppose it's the thought that counts. And I'm totally an outlaw.

    Rebecca: Good choice.

    Santorio: It wasn't on my wish list, but it's always fun to get a surprise present.

  10. I may be able to get you a Dem State Rep or something here. I should probably also admit I already early voted, so I'm kind of re-gifting; tacky, I know.

  11. Hey, didn't I get you a dem state rep for your last birthday? I think this is the exact same one! Jerk.

  12. I can give you a Dem State Rep too. And mine's even gay. Not that she actually has to do any real campaigning in my neighborhood. But still . . . It's the thought that counts.

  13. Happy Early Birthday a week and a half ago!! And I even contemplated dressing up like Sarah Palin today for work, but decided it might scare the patients too much. hee hee. For your birthday I got you a president, a dem congressman, therapy for drug offenders instead of jailtime, money for ESL education, an open primary in Oregon, and money for the animals at the zoo!! I think my present is better than anyone's.

  14. Not bad, Edgy.

    Skye, you are my new favorite sister-in-law. Until another sister-in-law reads this and one-ups you. (Hint hint, other sisters-in-law. Where's the love for Mr. Fob?)
