Monday, January 28, 2008

Pity Post

Does this picture make you shed a tear for poor little Mr. Fob?


What if I tell you that the procedure took four and a half hours of my life?

Still no?

And if I tell you the littler bandage is from a biopsy that will likely lead to another four-hour surgery with equally tragic-looking results?

Not a single tear?

Then get a chest x-ray, 'cause you just might be heartless.


  1. Whew! I already knew I was heartless; it's just nice to have it confirmed.

  2. Ya know, if you keep your lip stuck out like that for too long, some fly is going to come along and poop on it

    -- at least that's what my mother used to tell me ...

  3. Thanks, Abe. I'll keep that in mind.

  4. At least you got a bandage...

    Happy healing

  5. Should I make you some more chocolate pudding tomorrow?

  6. Oh - I've seen bandages like that before!!!

    Moh's surgery with reconstruction scheduled?

    Please please please - if you have questions about radiation (which eliminates all this) let me know. Mr. Mormon, I'm sure, would be willing to help.

    SORRY!!!!! SUPER SORRY!!!!

  7. Cricket: Yes, although mine is a bigger and deeper hole than yours and will take longer to heal, I'm glad it's just in one spot and can be covered with a bandage.

    Foxy: Yes, please.

    Mama: Thanks. Do you mean there's an alternative radiation treatment? My doctor has mentioned a few alternatives, but not radiation.

  8. One great thing about being gay is that you can be a sissy when you’re hurt. I say keep that lip out, and play it up for all the chocolate pudding you can get! (not that I’m call’n you a sissy…)

    Oh, and please get well soon. That sounds like serious stuff.

  9. If being a sissy gets me chocolate pudding, then I'm proud to be a sissy.

    And thanks--the surgeries are all part of getting better.

  10. How do you feel about butterscotch pudding?

  11. It makes me feel all tingly inside.

  12. Tingly's not good, especially in your condition. You would be better off just shipping that butterscotch pudding to Utah.

  13. I might have, had you expressed sympathy for my tragic condition. But alas, you are heartless and I have a hole in my forehead, so I get the pudding.

  14. I'm a bit baffled . . . You complain of being tingly, and so I offer you comfort and relief, and you snub me? I fail to see any incentive to become less heartless.

  15. You'd understand if you had a heart.

  16. Hey Fobster - yes - the alternative to Moh's and reconstruction is radiation. Many dermatologists won't mention it because they'd have to send you someplace else to get it done. And they'd rather carve you up, I mean, be your Dr., than transfer you to someone with an alternative treatment.

    It took us years before a reputable Dr. referred Mr. Mormon. Radiation isn't a walk in the park, but it beats the heck out of having your face carved up. When Mr. Mormon asked the radiation dr. why he hadn't been referred before, he explained that most dermatologists would rather just cut it out because they are often aligned with some plastic surgeon with whom they have a reciprocal arrangement. They have no vested interest, usually, in referring you for radiation.

    But yes - for basal cell carcinoma - which Mr. Mormon has - you can radiate instead of Moh's or other types of cutting out. He's been carved up multiple times, too - so I really feel for ya right now!! Good luck with the reconstruction!!! We'll be thinking of ya!

  17. Thanks, Mama. I'll look into radiation.

  18. No problem, sir. I hope it's a real alternative for you. I'm not really a Dr - I just play one on the Net. :)

  19. It's all those non-fictional novels I read in lieu of a good epistle. They help me sound smart - or at least, more bossier. :)

    Hope the pudding helped the pain. I never tried pudding for Mr. Mormon. I hope he doesn't come over here and find out that Foxy is such a superior wife!!!

  20. Oh noooes!! :( Here's hoping the second part at least isn't painful. Or malignant.

  21. Thanks, JB.

    Mama, I think you are testing my resolve to reply to every comment by replying to every reply. Thank you.
