Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Did you know

that if Hillary Clinton becomes president, she'll be the country's first female president? And Barack Obama would be the first black president?

Silly me, I wouldn't have made the connection, if not for the fact that EVERY SINGLE news article that barely mentions either of them feels a need to point it out. Because, you know, this is news.


  1. Well, clearly, you do not fit their target demographic - because you have a brain and dare to actually use it!

  2. Curse that brain! I feel like such an outsider.

  3. for heaven's sake! I guess you're right. I can't believe no one has mentioned it...

  4. Yeah, you'd think someone would notice.

  5. .

    Wait--are you serious??? If Hillary Clinton becomes president, Barack Obama would become the nation's first black president?


  6. Obviously you don't understand politics, or you wouldn't ask.

  7. I actually think it's kind of funny that the "news" is that Obama would be the nation's first "black" president. He's only 1/2 black, and he was raised by his WHITE mother, not even really knowing his father at all. So...is he "black" just because his skin is darker than all of the other candidates? Or does he live a life representative of the stereotypical "black" culture? Or is it just that the majority of media people are something-other-than-black and see him as a curiosity--just as they see Mitt Romney--someone whose religious belief is other than Christian (although that is a falsehood)? And if he became President, and at a future date a black man with no other ethnic background were to run for the highest U.S. office, would they then label him as the "first REAL black" President?

    Because, in the end all that matters is whether or not the person winning this race is able and capable of leading this country with the best interest of ALL of it's citizens in mind--regardless of their gender, race, religion, or even sexual preference. (At least idealistically). Gee, can you imagine the commotion if a openly gay candidate was running?

  8. Baby steps, Sis, baby steps. First a half-black president, then a black-black president, then a gay president.

    I'm just glad I'm not a black Mormon woman right now, because boy would my allegiances be tested with this election. As it is, I've got things easy--I'm an ex-Mormon so that rules out Mitt, and I'm a misogynist so that rules out Hillary, so it's only logical I tap into my wannabe blackness and vote for Barack. It's a good thing I don't actually have to think about the issues.
