Saturday, December 10, 2005

The NEW Blog Party II

Attention, loyal readers:

You are hereby invited to Master and Mistress Fob's second blog party, to be held on Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 7:00 pm at the Fobcave. Dinner will be provided by us. Holiday treats will be provided by you. Entertainment will be provided by S-Boogie. RSVP in the comments section.

Contrary to my previous post, Fob will not be held the same evening as the party, but if you really want us to we will demonstrate the world famous fob-paper-scissors match. And, in lieu of fobbing, I invite attendees to bring and present a piece of holiday poetry (any holiday will do--Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Atheists Day...). Even if you aren't a poet. But especially if you are, and especially especially if you are a poet known for your public poetry reading skills.


  1. Oh, and there will be your mom jokes aplenty, but that should go without saying.

  2. I'll be there. And I'll have sexy poetry.

  3. Dang it dang it dang it. I will be out of town and I so very much want to come to a Master Fob blog party. Next time . . .

  4. Curses! We'll have to check with you before we plan the next one, Edgy, to be sure you can come.

  5. Sexy poetry!? Ooh, I'm definitely gonna be there. Lunkwill will be there too. And we'll bring something...treatlike. ;)

  6. .

    If someone wants to be my proxy, they could read my Thanksgiving poem.

    If that's too old now, here's something Christmassy:


    (Would you believe I just made that up?)

  7. If you're taking free-loaders, you know I'm interested.

  8. I might stop in for a moment if possible. But maybe not since I just found out about it and I'd be imposing since it's in 2 and a half hours.

  9. Thirdmango--Definitely stop by if you can.

    Saule--We always take freeloaders. We have a child who does nothing but freeload.

  10. Um, the party is in like an hour, but i'm finally RSVPing.
