Thursday, December 08, 2005

Blog Party II: Fobs United

NOTE: This post is preserved solely for historical purposes. The information in it is entirely inaccurate. Except for the fact that Melyngoch did in fact say six short weeks, not six short weeks and two days.

Attention, loyal readers:

You are hereby invited to Master and Mistress Fob's second blog party, to be held on Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 6:15 pm at the Fobcave. Dinner will be provided by us. Holiday treats will be provided by you. Entertainment will be provided by S-Boogie. RSVP in the comments section.

As per Melyngoch's request, this blog party will be held exactly six short weeks after the last one, and we will honor the day of her birth, which occurred a short twenty-four years and three days before this blog party. I haven't, you know, actually checked with her, but she darn well better be back from Indiana in time to be here.

At 9:15 on this same Thursday night, the next meeting of the world-famous Fob writing group will be held, also in the Fobcave. Depending on how nice you are to Tolkien Boy, editorgirl, and the Marchioness, they just might let you stay to observe the excitement of the rock-paper-scissors match, the thrill of the your mom jokes, and the unending wit and talent of our writing. Or maybe not. I haven't really checked with them, either.


  1. An audience? I'm starting to get used to this. . .

    Can I bring anything? Requests? Because I will be there. Smiling.

  2. .

    Man. Once again I am left in the cold. Only metaphorically, of course, because I am the one in California.

  3. Boy--if I were still in Provo (graduated BYU Law in 2004, alas without ever visting the FobCave or hearing word of its existence) I'd come to your party--it sounds like something I'd very much enjoy. If I could get invited, that is. Maybe I could have talked my aunt-to-be (whom you all know as QZ) into bringing me. (Did that sound like name-dropping? Ah, well.) She's marrying my father's brother. She's already my favorite aunt--but that will come as no surprise to all of you.

    Do all be good to her while she yet resides among you. (By the way: not my fault my father's family is from England.)

  4. Hooray! Can I come play, please? And what sort of foodstuffs would you like? Caramel brownies, p'raps? Or I could try to be more seasonal and make caramels or divinity or something.

  5. Oooh, ooh, divinity, 'Brozy, bring divinity! Please? :pleading face:

    Lunkwill and I will be there. :) I'm excited about it and I hope the infamous Melyngoch is able to show up. And maybe the Physics Chick, Katya, too?

    Verification word:

  6. P.S. We'll bring something. Maybe cookies, maybe churros, but it'll be good and it'll be something desserty.

    A.P.S. (Another Post Script) will her magesty, the Queen of Zipperguts be there??

  7. Sorry we can't make it again. You might recall the Jet trouble we had last time and it's been in the shop ever since.

  8. umm, is now a good time to mention that I won't be home till Friday the 16th?

  9. No, Melyngoch, it is never a good time to mention such a horrible thing. You maybe could have said "six short weeks and two days" in the first place. Pooh on you.

    How would Saturday work for everyone? (Just testing the water, not making an official change yet.)

  10. .

    Screw the Fobcave. Why don't you come to the much more definitive Thcave instead?

  11. Do I still get Fob on Thursday? If we switch to Saturday for the party?

  12. Of course. Nothing violates the sanctity of Fob Thursday. Except once we change it to Monday, at which point nothing will violate the sanctity of Fob Monday.

    Now Th. Thursday, on the other hand, gets its sanctity violated all the time.

  13. Hee hee hee...I made a gaffe.

    Well, since everyone loves a Fobster, even one in misery, I'll be there as well.

    Should I bring the very, very, very, very end of my novel? I know that it will take a very, very, very, very, very long time to get through it, but I'm very, very, very, very, very committed to coming with something.

    (Not that I'm very, very, very, very, very, very, very excited to be finished or anything.)
