Friday, July 03, 2009

Probably Not

I am physically incapable of typing the word "probable" without first typing "probably" and then backspacing the "y" away and replacing it with an "e." Which is unfortunate, because I have to type "probable" pretty frequently for my job.


  1. I have a similar problem. I can't type the word "house" without typing the word "housing."

  2. It's a good thing you never have to use either of those words for your job.

  3. I think you can go into Word where it has a listing of common mis-spelled words corrected for you, add to have it so whenever you type the word probably it will change it to probable. Then again, if you ever have to use probably, you won't be able to.

  4. For me it's ever. I always always (except for just now, apparently) make it every.

    I also accidentally type mapquestion every (ah, what a relief) time I go to

  5. Jonathan: That's probably the worst idea I've ever heard. But thanks anyway.

    Josh: Do you ask many mapquestions?
