Saturday, July 11, 2009

Doing Yardwork Makes Me Feel Manly

And I say so with the assumption that were I a woman, doing yardwork would make me feel womanly. Female readers may confirm or deny.


  1. It depends on exactly what type of yard work you are doing. Planting petunias? Not so manly. Mowing the yard - manly. Mowing with a push mower - macho manly.

    Now, even if you're planting petunias - if it involves a trip to Home Depot then you get to punch a hole in your man card. :)

  2. Today it was mowing, but the other day I planted marigolds and felt equally manly. And I've made more trips to Lowe's since moving into this house than I had before in my life.

  3. I've made more trips to Lowe's since moving into this house ...

    You the man!

    Some days I go to both Home Depot AND Lowes (which are just a couple of blocks apart) - then I feel really manly :)

    But, don't ask me to work on cars - yuck, icky - I can't take being THAT manly.

  4. Doing yardwork makes me smell manly. Does that count?

  5. Abe: No, I have no desire to work on cars either.

    Kristeee: I think feeling and smelling are pretty much the same thing.

  6. Nah. Yardwork makes me feel androgynous.

  7. But does it make you smell androgynous?

  8. It makes me feel manly, which is probably why I don't do it.

  9. Gardening makes me feel like a good person. (Clearly, digging holes and pulling weeds directly impact one's morality.) Mowing lawns, however, just makes me a grouchy and sweaty person. The only part that makes me feel more girly is planning flower beds.

  10. It just makes me feel sweaty. (The opposite of womanly.) Plus, it gives me blisters on my hands.

  11. Chillygator: I think you need to get in touch with your manly side.

    Brozy: I think I might mean "like a good person" when I say "manly." But that would mean good person=man. Hm, I'll have to rethink that one.

    acte gratuit: Ah ha, I think we might be making some progress here. So sweaty is the opposite of womanly. Does that mean sweaty=manly?
