Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Tiny Little Victory

The California High Court has ruled to uphold Proposition 8 (bad), but also to legally recognize the same-sex marriages that were performed before the ban (good). This decision comes as no surprise after the hearings and legal commentary thereafter, and of course I would rather the entire thing had been overturned, but it's a huge relief to me to know that the people I know (as well as the ones I don't) who were married last year don't have to fear losing their marriages. It's a small step forward, and there's simply no denying that come 2010 or 2012, California will take that final big leap toward equality. And it's also nice to know that by then it will be in the company of several other states.

Now if only Obama would make good on his promises to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell and DOMA, the nation as a whole could make those same little steps forward...


  1. California has totally lost it's cool edge. It's been surpassed by IOWA, for goodness sake. As California goes, so goes the nation? Not anymore - say goodbye to fake boobs!

  2. Oh, but they look so good on me. But no, you're right. California sucks. I'm totally going to move to Utah.
