Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Fourth Wall

This week Foxy and I signed a lease to rent a home in Orem, close to Scera Park. Not an apartment, mind you, but an actual house, and for three hundred dollars cheaper than we're paying for our apartment in Davis. The plan is to rent for a year while we save up for a down payment, then buy something, ideally within the same elementary school boundaries, next summer. We're both excited to have four walls of our own--living in three-walled sitcom sets gets old after a while.


  1. P.S. This blog post is aware that it's a blog post, and openly acknowledges that fact. Hello, audience.

    Aw, dammit, now I've gone and broken the fourth wall, and we haven't even moved in yet.

  2. Not getting that security deposit back now!

  3. Wait. In the same elementary school boundaries? Someone neglected to include that information earlier. I might not have delivered quite the glowing review . . .

  4. Rebecca: Curses!

    Edgy: And you wonder why I neglected to include that information earlier? If I get a job in Salt Lake (and I'll apply for them) or we're otherwise miserable in Orem, we can change the plan.
