Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Curious Narration of Benjamin Button

How is it possible that the 80-year-old version of Brad Pitt narrates the story?


  1. That's hilarious. I enjoyed the movie, but it definitely had its problems, most of which the abbreviated version hits right on.

  2. How come I never think of things like that? My solution: It was his daughter narrating. She inherited his voice. And pretends to be him. Or something.

  3. Now what did I say about reading my blog while on an acid trip?

  4. I'm not on acid! I'm on LDS!

  5. Even worse! Pretty soon you'll be having first visions!

  6. Suh-weet. Yet another reason I hadn't previously thought of to hate this atrocity of a film. :)

  7. That's my goal--to give people reasons to hate more.

  8. I'm slightly glad to know I'm not the only one who was kind of confused by this film. We didn't even finish it. Got too bored.

  9. I can't think of a single film I didn't finish, other than Without a Clue, and that's only because my wife and unborn son would have bled to death if I didn't rush them to the hospital. I ought to try not finishing a movie by choice some time.
