Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Celebrate by becoming a vegetarian!

If I were to start my own religion, I'd totally make one of the rules be that you should eat meat sparingly. Do you suppose many people would actually heed that counsel or would they blow it off in favor of flashier dietary restrictions on tobacco and alcohol? Hm. I wonder if anyone's ever tried something similar...


  1. unfortunately, I'm guessing the majority of LDS wouldn't even understand your jest. Sigh...

  2. Meat? Meat is purely angelic. But tea and coffee are evil incarnate.


  3. Reading that over made me think about eating angel meat. It would probably taste like clouds and sunshine and RIGHTEOUSNESS.

  4. Marlo: Yeah, and the ones who do get it are the ones it doesn't apply to.

    Rebecca: Mmm... Angel meat...

  5. (For the record, I replied to Rebecca's first comment before seeing her second. So we're totally on the same vibe here.)

  6. FWIW Miki and I are trying to live along the Mediterranean Diet because it's a great deal more like the Word of Wisdom as I understand it (and as most Mormons don't live it...)

  7. Kengo: Props to you. I respect Mormons who live by the Mormon standards I agree with. :)
