Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Year and a Half Later...

The rough draft is complete. 144,659 words; 437 pages double-spaced.

This is not the first novel I've written, but it is the longest (twice as long as the previous record holder) and by far the most ambitious. It will also be the first one that I make publishable and therefore publish.

Now begins the heinous task of doing just that.


  1. What in the--? Did you write War and Peace: Electric Boogaloo? :-) What's the genre of this book--somehow I've forgotten what you were writing.

  2. Congratulations Ben!

    We'll be hoping you find an eager and speedy publisher.

  3. Good luck to you. I'm currently trying to get my own book published, and I hate all the sales work you have to do.

  4. Bryce: Well, you got the title right, so you remembered something. Actually, it's a YA fantasy about a kid who joins a superhero cult. It's set in the same universe as the short story you didn't like, so I look forward to having you read it. :)

    Scot: Thanks, I hope so too. Don't forget to hope for a successful film adaptation.

    Amanda: Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that, but right now I'm just worried about the work of rewriting the book to the point where I even want to sell it.

  5. Congrats and good luck!

  6. .

    Nice work, Ben. And so far so good.

  7. Julie and Th.: Thank you and thank you.

  8. Congrats!!!

    So, tell us more!

  9. Chanson: It's the first of a five-book series about Kenji, who joins a church that believes their faith in parallel worlds is what gives them superpowers; becomes a missionary for that church, which involves not only teaching people religion but fighting crime; and along the way questions Truth and the nature of the universe(s). I envision it as the Harry Potter of superheroes. Or at least religious superheroes. Or maybe a better (but equally self-congratulatory) comparison would be to His Dark Materials, which I'm currently reading and finding has a lot of thematic similarity to my series.

  10. Congratulations! It sounds fascinating. I'd love to read it. (If you're not comfortable handing out drafts, though, I completely get that, and I'll happily wait for the published version.)

  11. YEA!! So incredible! I'll buy a copy. I'll buy two. I can't wait to hear about your contract and who publishes it. I'm so happy for you!

  12. Yeah! Glad to hear the work is progressing! Hang in there!

  13. Congrats, m'man. Let me know when you start shipping it around. I used to be an agent and I can show you how to move it on past the slushpile.

  14. Thanks, I will definitely take you up on that.
