Saturday, February 14, 2009

Money-Saving Tip of the Day

If you are filling out an online form to buy something and there's a space to enter a Promotional Code, take a second to do a Google search for "[name of company] promotional code." If you're lucky you will find a code listed on one of many coupon/code sites and when you enter that code you'll get $25 off the very expensive glasses you're buying because you don't like the ugly glasses your insurance could get you for free, and that just might make you feel a little better about your flagrant splurging. You may also want to remind yourself that the insurance wouldn't have paid for the deluxe anti-glare lenses that just may make it possible for you to keep your staring-at-the-computer-all-day job without going blind, and/or that the ugly frames the insurance wanted you to buy would not have lifted you up out of your depressive funk by creating a new you and thus solving all your problems like your cool-looking expensive frames will. So really, it was a good deal.


  1. .

    I do this. I'm not always lucky, but sometimes!

  2. I hadn't even noticed that you got new glasses, much less that you're a problem-free new you. I'll have to look better next time.

  3. Man, let me know if new glasses solve all your problems! I'll go get myself some. Especially if they have make-you-look-20lbs-skinnier glasses.

  4. You'll be the first to know. Assuming you read that blog post before anyone else.
