Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Three trips to the DMV and three smog inspection stations later...

I'll spare you the story and skip to the moral: If you're thinking of buying a car and plan on moving to California in the next few months, just wait until you get to California to buy the car.


  1. Oh. I probably knew that, and I didn't think to caution you. But, heck, a brand-new car like that shouldn't have been such a ridiculous adventure. Oh, wait. DMV. That's right!

  2. Or...have a brother-in-law who's a mechanic. Darrin's brother saved us tons of money (but I have no idea what he did to make our cars pass the emissions test).

  3. If only you'd known that a couple months ago. . . :(

  4. ESM and JB: I kind of knew it but chose to ignore it anyway. We couldn't register in CA without an address and didn't want to wait.

    Sam: Unless your b-i-l has a machine that's able to test my car, which is apparently rare, he wouldn't have helped much here. The problem wasn't passing but rather getting it tested in the first place.
