Saturday, September 27, 2008

Speaking of the Beatles...

The other day my father-in-law sent a link to an article about religious leaders in California joining forces to end gay marriage once and for all. In the past, Cool Guy has expressed his concern over the LDS church allying itself with evangelical and southern Baptist groups who would just as soon see Mormons burning in hell as homosexuals. He closed his email the other day on a somewhat ironic note: "There is much power in declaring a common enemy."

Thing is, I thought Mormons and Evangelicals and Baptists already had a common enemy. I guess he wasn't enough of a threat to bring them together, though. Turns out the Beatles may be bigger than Jesus, but only the gays are bigger than Satan.


  1. Well I guess that's one more thing we're better at than straight people.

  2. That and throwing great Oscar parties.

  3. Satan isn't much of a unifier. He's too diffuse. Everyone sees traces of him in everyone and everything else. It's hard for Mormons and Evangelicals to unite against Satan when Mormons think Evangelicals have been corrupted by Satan and Evangelicals think Mormons are inspired by Satan.

    Gays on the other hand - there's a concrete targe.

  4. Yeah, I guess the gays is one group everyone can agree is inspired by the devil. After all, satin is only one letter away from Satan.
