Thursday, September 11, 2008

McCain, The Moral Choice

Because he's so darned honest.

(Via Chanson and Holly.)


  1. I'm at wits end with this man and the political machine that props him up.

    His latest campaign tactics show that he is not an honorable person.

  2. How did I end up with so many flaming liberal friends? I still love ya!

  3. This election is about bulldogs, pigs, and lipstick, and that video mentioned none of that. Useless.

  4. MHH: The frustrating thing to me about McCain is that I don't think he's Satan incarnate, as I do Bush, but whatever decency he has is drowned under all this campaigning political B.S.

    Abe: I can only assume that it's because of your great taste in people. I hope that will transfer well to election day. :)

    Scot: I'm sorry, I'll try to find videos that stick to the issues in the future.

  5. No, don't you remember? This election is not about issues.

  6. As opposed to... which election?

  7. Perhaps he just has early Alzheimer's?

  8. That's a truly scary possibility, as it just puts Palin that much closer to the presidency.
