Sunday, September 14, 2008

In case you're wondering what I do in my spare time

My brother gave S-Boogie a huge set of something like 250 crayons for her birthday. It's wonderful, but unfortunately the colors were just thrown in there haphazardly with no sense of order or aesthetics. It took me the better part of an hour, but I solved the problem.

I feel much better now.


  1. Oh! I feel better now, too. Such a wonderful public service...

  2. That is so funny. I totally do that too. And I have seen monk. I LOVE that show. I think we got it from mom.

  3. Sam: I exist only to serve you.

    Angie: You got Monk from Mom, or you and I got our compulsive orderliness from her?

    And is anyone going to explain what Monk has to do with crayons or do I have to go watch it myself?

  4. .

    You really have never seen Monk? Or even know about it?

    (And: pretty.)

  5. You a little CDO? (That's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder alphabetized, the way it should be.) Heh. I do the same thing with my own box of crayons. It has to be in ROYGBIV order or it drives me nuts.

  6. Th.: It sounds vaguely familiar. I'll look it up.

    Kristeeeee: LLO at CDO! :)

  7. That's beautiful! And very Monk. The crayons should be numbered, along with their respective slots, to ensure order is maintained.

  8. After I wrote the comment I realized that it sounded like we got the show Monk from Mom (which I didn't mean)- but I figured you would figure it out.

    You really should watch the show. It is a really cute show.

  9. Yes, it's an inherited familial trait. I do that, too. Not only for my crayons and colored pencils, but also for my closet.

    I can't help it :>

  10. Nice job. It definitely runs in the family. The other day, Svoid grouped his clothes by functionality and color :) I do good to get my clothes hanging right side out.

  11. Angie--You should know by now that if there's two ways of interpreting something I'll always go for the intentional misinterpretation. :)

    Rebecca--Are you saying you don't believe me? Pshaw. As if I could just find a picture of color-coordinated crayons on the internet and claim responsibility for them? Hm. Not a bad idea.

    Sis and Yodame--I sort my closet by T-shirts, pants, long sleeves, and sweaters, but not color. At least not yet.
