Friday, April 18, 2008

Why I (heart) Mr. Bennett

No, not Lizzie and Jane's father, though he is a likable character.

Noah Bennett, from the series that if you haven't already seen you should run immediately to your local library (or Netflix) and put the first season on hold. When I started watching Season One this past Sunday, I found Mr. Bennett attractive, in a well-dressed-and-mysterious-secret- agent-man kind of way, even though he was apparently a bad guy. But then halfway through the season (about Tuesday afternoon my time) he became a good guy and the mild attraction turned into a full-fledged fictional character crush. It helps that I can identify with his motivations. Because believe me, I would totally lie, murder, and brainwash innocent people to protect my daughter.

(Consider that a warning.)

And he was totally crushing on me too. I saw the way he looked at me.

But alas, our short-lived romance ended Wednesday night when FoxyJ and I finished Season One (yes, I bring my wife along when I have clandestine meetings with TV lovers; there's enough of Mr. Bennett--or Noah, as he likes me to call him--to go around). Here's looking forward to Heroes Season Two on DVD.


  1. I really liked Hero's when it was on; although, it's been so long, I've kind of lost interest in it. The next season (after such a long hiatus) better be really really good - otherwise I fear it won't make it, a victim of the writers strike.

    Personally, Captain Jack Harkness from Torchwood is my imaginary boyfriend. And, I get to sit on the couch, next to my wife, and watch him kiss guys :)

  2. If you're going to have a crush on a character from a super hero show, it seems you should go for one with super powers, or better yet, someone with ALL the super powers like Peter or Silar.

    That is a great show though! Hopefully the writers' strike didn't kill it.

  3. Abe--That will be sad indeed if it ends up a victim of the strike.

    Julie--Foxy and I discussed this last night and we agreed that even though Peter is certainly the male character who's intended to have sex appeal more than the rest, he just isn't that sexy. As for Sylar, he terrifies me too much to notice whether he's attractive or not.

  4. I love that in a show with SO MANY hot guys (Mohinder, Peter, Sylar, D.L., Peter's brother...I'm not great with names - that guy who's married to a Dixie Chick) and some pretty damn cute ones (Hiro, Parkman), the dad is the guy you go for. I get that though - I was the only high school/college girl I knew who thought Giles was the hottest one on Buffy.

  5. I was the only high school/college girl I knew who thought Giles was the hottest one on Buffy.

    He sings well too :)

    But, my favorite Buffy character of all time has to be Andrew.

    [blush] oops, did I just out myself as a closeted Buffy fan?

  6. Rebecca--FoxyJ is with you on D.L., and I on Peter's brother (whose name also escapes me at the moment). And who doesn't love Hiro or Parkman?

    Abe, I'm not sure there's much you could say that would surprise me at this point. :)

  7. Abe, I'm not sure there's much you could say that would surprise me at this point.

    Hmmm, that sounds like a challenge :)

    Actually, my wife, youngest daughter, and I are all closeted Buffy and Angel fans. Buffy, Angel, and Stargate are the only TV shows we've bought on DVD.

  8. Nope, I'm still not surprised. Keep trying.
