Tuesday, April 29, 2008


After eight months of unemployment, I will have a job again in mid-May. This afternoon I interviewed for and was offered a job with a company evaluating web searches. Not only is this something that fits in with my career interests, but it also pays well, is part-time, and is done entirely from home. This means that I have a well-paying job that will cover the gap this summer between the end of my stipend and the beginning of FoxyJ's in the fall, that I will be able to keep said job over the transition from Seattle to Davis (and over the stay in Utah that will hopefully come in between the two), and that next year while Foxy is in school I will be able to be a stay-at-home dad and still contribute to my family's economic survival. Really, this is about as ideal as it gets. (Well, no, as ideal as it gets is Foxy winning millions on Jeopardy! while I sign a five-book contract with some big publisher.)

There have been several points in my life when I didn't know how I or my family was going to pay the rent or buy food in the not-too-distant future, and I've never worried about it because it always just works out. If there is a theme to my life, it is that things always work out, usually much better than could possibly be expected. It's tempting to attribute this good fortune to an omnipotent being who is watching out for me (and probably a more convincing argument could be made for an omnipotent being watching out for FoxyJ and her husband just happens to be in the blessed safety zone), but that raises the question of why said being doesn't provide other equally or more deserving people with the same good fortune.

At any rate, whether it's God or the Universe or simply the people around me who make good things happen, I do notice and I do appreciate it. I'll return the favor if the opportunity arises.


  1. Well, that is fine news!! A portable, well-paying job. That you can do anywhere you have internet. Really fine. Just one thought: what makes you think that you're not, all by yourself, deserving of good things from the Giver of Good Things? Just because bad things happen to good people, doesn't mean that inside them they aren't still feeling the Love. Just sit back and feel the Love.

  2. Thanks, ESM. Mostly that was just a throw-away comment to acknowledge that FoxyJ is a better person than I am.

  3. Congratulations Ben. Wow, you are blessed. It seems like everything does eventually work itself out, as long as we are trying our best, but I seem to get so stressed out in the process. I suppose that not getting stressed out seems to be a gift of yours.

  4. many hearty congratulations. Because, you know, un-hearty congratulations just suck. The job intrigues me--what is it exactly you'll be doing? Sending people emails that say things like "when searching for Pamela Anderson, it helps to spell 'boob' correctly"? Care to elaborate?

  5. Many congratulations. I've been through the hope-I-get-a-job experience(or the hope that a spouse gets a job) and know the relief when something finally falls into place. It does sound like a fine opportunity.

  6. I'm definitely going with the "because of foxyj's righteousness" theory! =) Congrats, very nice indeed!

  7. Thanks, everyone. Bryce, I'll remove you from the email list since you apparently already know how to spell it. Actually, I'll be checking websites that are retrieved for certain queries and evaluating their relevance to the query. Sort of a human judgment on machine processes.
