Friday, March 07, 2008

A Very Cheesy Post for FoxyJ

(Because I know she loves her dairy products.)

Yesterday morning Foxy flew to Davis to tour the school and be wined and dined by important people. She'll be back tomorrow afternoon.

This morning the very first thing S-Boogie said when she came into my room was "The house isn't pretty without Mommy."


  1. .

    Such a whirlwind trip! It's a shame we couldn't make it--we could have offered her vittle options without moral compromise.

  2. Well, she already compromised her moral standards by marrying me, so really what's left?

  3. Cheese Grommit, Cheese!

  4. Oh! I love that! It's so much sweeter than when one of our daughters told me a few months after I married their dad that I'd ruined their lives...

    She likes me now, by the way. Most of the time.

  5. I don't know... What your daughter said is pretty sweet too...
