Monday, February 04, 2008

One Week Later

This comparison would be more impressive if I'd posted a photo last week of the seven stitches hiding beneath that mountain of gauze and bandages, but it grossed me out enough to see them when I had to change the bandage, let alone take a picture of them.

I'm happy with how fast it's healing--much faster than the last time I had a hole in my forehead, whose round white scar can still be seen at the base of the new darkish line. The difference is that this time they stitched the hole up, so it should leave much less of a scar.

The bad news is that the little red dot closer to the center of my forehead is now officially the site of a future surgery, scheduled for mid-March, after the skin has time to heal up more and after the plays for my Spanish drama class--because I'll have a hard enough time passing myself off as a 16th-century Central American monarch without a big white bandage on my forehead.


  1. .

    Have to say: looks a lot better than I would have guessed.

  2. Your disposition looks much better too. The pudding must have helped.

  3. Th.: That's what my doctor said too.

    Scot: It's definitely the pudding.

  4. Mmmm. Pudding.

    I hope it was vanilla.

  5. :( Surgery? I hope it goes well.

  6. [kɹeɪ̯g̊]: Is that how you pronounce your name? I think I would pronounce it more like [kɹɛg̊], if I remember my IPA correctly. Granted your pronunciation is truer to the spelling, but we not-so-North Americans like to lazify our vowels. The first batch was chocolate, the second butterscotch. It made me feel happy inside.

    JB: Thanks. It should be exactly like the one I had last week, so I'm expecting it to be a bit of a pain but no worse than that.

  7. Thanks, Cricket. I have to admit, seeing your pics has made me glad I'm only doing one at a time--ouch!
