Thursday, September 20, 2007

And Speaking of Sweet Potato Fries

A year or two ago, FoxyJ came across this cookbook or food website or something that suggested making fries with sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes. So she chopped up some sweet potatoes, salted them, and baked them. They were the best thing ever. We had them a few times and wondered why restaurants don't serve sweet potato fries instead of plain old boring potato fries. So we were happy to see tonight that Kidd Valley, a local burger chain, received our psychic suggestion and has started serving sweet potato fries. They actually fry them so they're not quite so healthy, but they're just as yummy. (Possibly even yummier, if you can improve on perfection.)

I've decided that the only possible reason sweet potato fries have not already replaced crappy potato fries in the American fast food pantheon is that the potato mafia in Idaho is using its political power to squash the sweet potato fry industry before it gets off the ground. Don't let them get away with it, people! Go to your grocery stores and buy sweet potatoes, then make them into fries! Go to your burger joint and demand sweet potato fries! Boycott the non-sweet potato industry!

And don't bother saying that you've tried sweet potato fries and they were not the absolute greatest thing ever, anyone, because such lies will only expose your evil nature and your corrupt connection to the Idahoan potato underground.


  1. I slice them up thin, skin on, and spritz them with a little olive oil, add salt and pepper and bake. My favorite !

  2. Yumm Yum Yum... love em!

  3. So good!!!
    They also serve them at Guru's on Provo Center Street.
    I'm going to start picketing those "regular fry" places tomorrow!

  4. Hey, my friend works at Guru's! ...not important.

    There's a vegetarian (vegan? Maybe?) place here (Princeton, NJ) called Zen Palate, and they serve sweet potato fries. Sigh. YUM.

  5. My in-laws are from Idaho . . . I wonder if they'd think it's blasphemous to make said sweet potato fries...

    Is there any special method for the slicing of said fries?

  6. They're a lot better for you, too. You probably knew that already. But yeah. Vitamins, antioxidants, etc. that regular potatoes don't score well on.

    Here's a link.

  7. I'm encouraged to see that the revolution is already underway.

    When we've made them in the past, we sliced them thick like sit-down restaurant fries, but Kidd Valley slices them thin like fast food fries. They were yummy in both cases. Anybody tried curly sweet potato fries?

  8. Mmmm. I *love* sweet potato fries. When we go to Rumbi's, I always ask them to leave out the regular fries.

    And I like making them with olive oil and rosemary. Except our store didn't carry the orange kind, just the other kind. And they were *really* hard to cut.

  9. this is wonderful news! i had no idea kid valley was sporting the sweet potatoe fries! my guess for their lack to catch on (while the idaho potato mafia is a great theory) is that the orange color doesn't catch on with kids.... maybe?

  10. I love sweet potato fries! We used to make them to go with our burgers. Hmmm... It's been a while. Thanks for the reminder! And may I add that I miss you and your family. Just in case you wondered.

  11. I don't wanna say I'm NOT part of the upper echelon of the Idaho potato underground, but I do like SPFs. We had them last in Chicago. Yum.
