Wednesday, August 08, 2007


S-Boogie is not a fan of it. We went to Barnes and Noble this afternoon so she could spend her birthday money. She picked out two books and paid for them. Then, as we were leaving, she had a breakdown because they didn't give her back her money.

I'm not quite sure what kind of system she had in mind, but I think I like it better than the one we have.


  1. Perhaps now would be a good time to teach her about credit (and how you have to pay more than what something costs... with the allusion that you're not spending anything at all)... man, I fell into that trap fast...

  2. My boys used to love it when they got change. Forget that they paid a $5 bill and got back 66 cents. To them it was, "I paid 1 money and got back a handful of money."
