Monday, July 09, 2007

Things I Liked About Church Yesterday

  • Little Dude came with me. I'm not hoping to convert him--we were just giving FoxyJ a break for the morning, and we headed over to her church afterward to hear S-Boogie give a talk in Primary--but until now I've attended as a single man, and it's nice to connect my new church to my family life.
  • As usual, the minister began the service by reminding us that all are welcome--believers, seekers, and doubters. Not that I wouldn't be welcome if she didn't specifically say so, but it's good to be reminded every week that I don't need to be anything to feel welcome.
  • One of the hymns we sang emphasized the femaleness of God as well as his maleness.
  • The rabbi and Qur'an scholar visited again.
  • The Jewish, Christian, and Muslim sermons were all about how God is in everything and everyone.
  • The Qur'an scholar told a story about a well-meaning monkey who wanted to live the golden rule and so plucked all the fish out of the river in order to save them from a watery grave.

1 comment:

  1. As usual, the minister began the service by reminding us that all are welcome--believers, seekers, and doubters.

    That's one of the *many* things that bother me about those "send this on or you don't love God and will be thrust down to hell" emails, myspace bulletins, etc. What if right then you don't believe in God? Even if that was a valid way of showing your faith (and it absolutely *isn't*), what if you don't have faith that day? Do you have to fake it? Doesn't God know whether or not you believe in him/her?

    One of the hymns we sang emphasized the femaleness of God as well as his maleness.

    I like that view of God: that It's both male and female. That makes me feel like everyone is more connected to It.
