Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Confession

It is not because I want to have lively discussions about my thoughts that I put them on my blog. I realize that many people do blog for precisely this reason, and I kind of like the idea of lively discussions, but mainly I put my thoughts on my blog so people will say, "Mr. Fob, you are so brilliant!" or "Wow, I wish my thoughts were as innovative and awe-inspiring as yours."

I also enjoy--though not quite so much--an honest "Hm. Interesting. I'm not sure I agree," followed by a post on the commenter's blog wherein she or he shares her or his own awe-inspiring thoughts on the matter.

I enjoy to an even lesser degree comments that say, "I think you are wrong because...." This has something to do with my aversion to confrontation, but even more to do with my aversion to being wrong.

That said, my least favorite kind of comment is no comment at all, mainly because I assume that silence equals disagreement (or worse, boredom), which in turn equals contempt for me and everything I represent. So if you have thoughts in response to mine, whether they're the kind of thoughts I want to hear or not, please do share them. I'm listening.


  1. Wow Mr. Fob, I wish my thoughts were as brilliant, innovative, and awe-inspiring as yours

  2. I know how you feel.

    I often am somewhat disappointed to see that no one has commented on a post, but then I think that I read a lot more posts that I comment on.

    Very, very rarely do I not comment on someone's post because I find it boring. Much more likely it is because I feel that there is nothing I can add to the already perfectly expressed thought, or that the other commenters have stolen all my soulful insight and clever witticisms.

    I too would enjoy more comments on my blog, whatever the nature of those comments may be.

    But I think that many others feel as I do, don't want to comment because they feel they have nothing useful to add, or can't think of anything at all, or maybe even don't feel comfortable commenting. I've felt that way a time or two myself.

    Was that enough comment for you, or do you want more?

  3. I couldn't ask for anything more, iwonder. I also read a lot more than I comment, so I've no right to complain.

    Playa, I'm blushing.

  4. I feel much the same. But RSS feeds are so convenient! And sometimes I don't have much (or anything) to say. . .

  5. Since your blogs are definitely more awe-inspiring than mine, I have a proposal for you. I will make 2 comments on your blog for every 1 comment that you make mine. :)

  6. I rarely comment unless I feel that my comment will add some new insight or bring some other type of support to the conversation. And that's why I don't comment at every post.

    And also because your posts are generally brilliant and I am intimidated by them. ;)

  7. You have an aversion to being wrong? That's so weird.

  8. I think this mught be my first comment made to anyone since switching to an RSS reader. I may have to go back to the old way so I am less stealth.
