Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Another Fob Family ER Adventure

Last week Monday S-Boogie got several mosquito bites while picking blueberries. She's been scratching the bites all week, despite repeated applications of anti-itch cream and our best efforts to convince her not to scratch. The bites have been looking pretty bad, and yesterday they started to form red rings around them. This morning she woke up complaining that her hand hurt, and sure enough it was swollen up like a boxer's face. FoxyJ and I have heard enough stories of infections going bad (as in fatal) quickly, so we took her straight into the emergency room at Children's Hospital. They sent us home with a prescription for an antibiotic (which Foxy is still trying to get filled, three hours later, thanks to insurance weirdness) and a warning that if the infection gets worse we are to bring her back in immediately so she can be hooked up to an IV. I'm hoping the purportedly yucky-tasting oral antibiotic does its job quickly enough that we can avoid an overnight stay at the hospital.

(The lines on S-Boogie's hand, by the way, are there so we can easily track whether the infection is getting better or worse.)


  1. If we're lucky, S-Boogie will come out of this with superpowers. (That link only makes sense, by the way, if you've read the manuscript it refers to.)

  2. Oh my. Yes, keep an eye on her. I'll be thinking about her! (And trying not to think of the book I just read . . .)

  3. Wow! Thank goodness you both knew it could be serious and took her in right away! It does look a bit acary!

  4. Wow! There aren't even words to describe what I'm thinking right now.

  5. That is from mosquitos! Ouch- poor thing.

  6. Wow, that does not look fun. Good idea with the lines on her hand, though. Maybe I'll start doing that with my belly to watch how much it grows.

  7. FYI: Someone just told me last night that if you rub a dryer sheet (like Cling-Free, I guess) over your skin, mosquitoes won't bite you. Might be worth trying.
