Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Illusion of Popularity

(Post #499)

It's convenient that my one and only friend has so many online personas: Theric, Tolkien Boy, Samantha Stevens, Ugly Swan, -L-, Melyngoch.... I suppose I ruin the illusion by telling you, though, don't I?


  1. Wait - are you serious - everyone you listed is Tolkien Boy? B/c I've long believed some of those folks were the same person (and that one of those folks' blogs you mentioned had to be an elaborate set up.)

    And now, if you were kidding, I'll have really put my foot in my mouth, in which case, I'll beg everyone's forgiveness. And then I'll ask that everyone make believe we were in that Dallas episode where the entire last year (or at least this post) was a dream and my post was just a little nightmare.

    I need to shut up - there's a reason I don't post much....eek!!

  2. Hahaha. I'm tempted to let the joke go on, but I'm more curious to know which one you thought was an elaborate set up. If you don't want to say so here, I'd love for you to email me--bgchristensen at gmail dot com.

  3. argh - OK - I emailed you - mamamormon@gmail. I'm a sucker for a mystery...even if I have to make one up. :)

  4. I knew I wasn't Tolkien Boy. Somehow I just knew it!

  5. Stop it. You know that those people are all me--most notably Tolkien Boy. I'm especially good at being him. And -L-. Still working on perfecting Melyngoch and Theric, but you must admit, I'm getting better at it every day.

  6. In an effort to be upfront, I just want to put it out there that I am also a sockpuppet for Tolkien Boy.

    And, sigh, I'm Paris Hilton, too. In real life, that is. Wish me luck during my upcoming unfortunate incarceration. (That's hooooooot.)

  7. If that's the case, MM, then I'm a little embarrassed about the email I just sent you revealing all of TB's deep, dark secrets.

    And Sam, you're doing a fine job of being all those people. Like Oprah and Whitney, you are every woman [and man]. It's all in you.

  8. Wait, where IS Theric?!

  9. .

    I'm right here, and for heaven's sakes people, whose is the only blog that shows the variety necessary to be all these different people? Mm?

  10. I'm slightly flattered that I'm associated with any of those people.

    And disturbed that my secret associations are so easily and readily available.

    Well, everything has it's price, I suppose.

  11. I admit it, Samantha really is me.

  12. . too.

  13. I'm beginning to wonder if Samantha is me, as well.

  14. Do you think, if I were Samantha, that I would call myself Ugly???


  15. Perhaps the most compelling evidence that I'm a unique individual is that, unlike everyone else on that list, I can think of absolutely nothing clever to say.

  16. it would seem that L is about the cleverest after all by throwing out a 'red herring' that he isnt Samantha or one of the others by pointing out he isnt' clever.

    I'm on to ya.

    my mind is like a steal trap. nothing gets out and nothing gets in!
