Sunday, November 05, 2006

Today in the News...

Here's the link.

Well, it's not too painful. I look and sound kind of dorky, but that's to be expected.


  1. That was a nice segment, and I thought you came off well. No offence other guy, but you came off better than the other guy (from Affirmation?).

    But don’t get me started on the Evergreen guy :-).

  2. Thanks, Scot. I'm not too crazy about being paired up with the Evergreen guy in that segment, but hopefully people will manage to keep us and our philosophies separate.

  3. .

    Okay. If I get one more ad or skip-a-thon in my attempt to watch this, I'm never watching Fox13 again....

  4. .


    You guys sound intelligent and well-spoken and not stupid.

    But I tell you what I do think sounds stupid--tv reporters. What is up with the way they talk?

    Give me a newspaper!

  5. Well done. I think that you both came across as intelligent. And more importantly, as secure in your chosen situation, as well as with who you are as individuals. Unfortunately, Part1Guy seemed to still be struggling with that. And EvergreenGuy... Well, my opinion is that he needs to expand his "knowledge" a bit.

  6. You guys sound great.

  7. I want to watch this!! I was in New York last night and missed it...but when I load the page it says everything is unavailable...I always miss the good stuff...

  8. It still works for me.

    Oh, and in Sandy's defense, she doesn't talk like that in real life. Apparently that's just how you're supposed to talk on the news, so that people can pick up the keywords without paying attention.

  9. After about 2 1/2 hours I finally got to watch this! I had to let it run all the way through, literally ONE syllable at a time. That must be what Th. meant by 'skip-a-thon'. Then when I played it again, it was okay. (I won't even mention how long it took me to load the player - that was yesterday!)

    Sorry - enough about me :) I thought it was good - you both looked and sounded good. And of course the children were beautiful!

    But I have a question. It made it sound like Evergreen is LDS based? I didn't think it was. ?

  10. More specifically, regarding the question about feeling 'cheated': 1- I was impressed that you both took responsibility for your own choices;

    And 2- I thought it was a rather stupid question! It's kind of like asking your happily married brother-in-law if he ever regreted not marrying that 'sexy little chick' from high school. He's already made his choice. It's almost like trying to stir up trouble to try to get him to focus on what he might be missing, RATHER THAN ON WHAT HE HAS! Anyone who suggests that you do so, is either not thinking or doesn't have your best interests in mind! (Of course, I realize that news interviews have to consider their ratings and are therefore exceptions :) But it was still a stupid question.

  11. I liked it. You guys both did great (and looked great too!)!

    I'm proud of you guys.
