Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Model of Good Behavior

Not only have I written a seven-page paper* in the five hours I've been paid** to sit here at the information desk, but I even made this ultra-cool meta-model of information-seeking behavior models***:

*Note to teacher: This is not to say that I threw together a b.s. paper in no time. I've been researching all week, as you will surely see from the quality of the paper.
**Note to employer: This is not to say that I did not drop what I was doing each and every time a patron came within a hundred feet of the information desk, or even thought a question in my general direction, because I did.
***Note to T.D. Wilson: This is not to say that I take credit for your ultra-cool meta-model of information behavior models; I just take credit for mapping Ellis's and Meho & Tibbo's models onto yours.


  1. I'm so jealous of your efficiency (getting so much done while at work). I probably would have spent the entire shift surfing the internet and lamenting that I never have enough time to do homework :)

  2. That is my normal m.o., but deadlines make me efficient.

  3. Very nice. But I find the "Networking" and "Information Managing" labels confusing in their placement. Just thought I'd say . . .

  4. Thanks for posting that. I feel like I have a much better understanding of how to make my behavior good.
