Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lessons Learned

  • I learned that it is worth the effort to complain. The hotel manager gave me a free night, and was very nice about it.
  • I learned that I never ever want to drive a big Uhaul truck in Seattle (or any other city) ever again. Thank goodness for sideview mirrors that are made to fold back instead of break off.
  • I learned that saying "ever" twice in a sentence after "never" makes it especially true.
  • I learned that I like the elders quorum president in our new ward. He and I did the bulk of the unloading, and I think he ended up with more ridiculously heavy book boxes than I did.
  • I learned that it is nice to sleep in one's own bed.


  1. .

    I've learned it's best to put books in little boxes.

    Although I echo the one on driving big trucks in big cities. You think they would fit nicely, but no! no! no!

  2. Did you learn that you should have moved to Indiana?
