Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Behold the Library

aka the living room

The Fob Library, left to right:

1. The general nonfiction stack, with creative nonfiction on the top shelf.
2. The general fiction stack, with juvenile and young adult fiction on the top two shelves.
3. The media collection, housing the dvd and vhs collections, as well as viewing and listening devices. The cd collection is kept in storage elsewhere, but is duplicated digitally in the MP3 collection, housed on top of the media collection (right next to the speaker).
4. The non-prose stack, with poetry and drama on the top shelf and comics and graphic novels on the lower four.
5. The special collections stack, with Spanish fiction and nonfiction on the top two shelves and Mormon literature on the bottom three.

Not pictured:

-The culinary collection, housed in the Entryway Branch of the Fob Library.
-The photo archive (including the yearbook collection), also housed in the Entryway Branch.
-The picture book and easy reader collections, housed in the Children's Library.
-The closed stacks, housed in the Parents' Room Branch.


  1. I love how the television is the focal point of the library--at least in this picture.

    And disregarding any grammatical malfunctions...I believe word verification is trying to speak to me. It said, and I quote, "IWISE".

  2. Wait - you name '5 stacks', but I only see 4 bookshelves. Is #3 in your entertainment center?

  3. Where can I find the card catalog? ;)

  4. Umm . . . The Fob Library is sorely lacking in number of titles in the juvenile and young adult section. Just thought I would point that out.

    I mean, the Bunnycave (is it considered a branch of the Fob?) Library has three entire bookcases dedicated to juvenile and young adult books. In fact, after filing some books from the Nightstand Book Mobile (because they just aren't going to get read at this point), it has come to my attention that it is time to increase the space allotted to juvenile and young adult books. Which, of course, presents somewhat of a problem when considering that the only bookshelves currently on display in the Bunnycave are already allotted to juvenile and young adult.

  5. Nice to see you've got things organized again. How's the couch situation?

    Meanwhile, the Special Tolkien Library has been (sniff!) boxed and will not be opened until Tolkien Boy gets a place of his own...say, 2015?

  6. .

    I think everyone needs to do what you have done so I can get some ideas for organization when it comes to unpack.


    Your blog, on this computer, loses the first letter of every line!!!!!

    It's MADDENING!!!!!

  7. WOW! I want my own library. I only have room for one bookcase in each bedroom alloted to me. Or in other words, I have a bookcase in Santa Horhe stuffed to bursting with books and a smaller one here, not quite bursting or stuffed with books, but still full of other odds and ends and a few wonderful pop-up books here and there. And text books, but we don't want to talk about those right now.

    And I love that I can now log in with my real account!

  8. Wow. Hats off to you! Are you going to have a problem with the juvlits on the shelves with regular dewey decimal books?

  9. No beer and no tv make Th. go . . .


    A card catalog really makes a house a home, don't you think?

  10. I like the Fobrary, very nice

  11. Is Mely being mean spirited here? Because Edgy just so happens to have an electronic card catalog for his books. And he does check books and movies out to people and he does keep track of them.

  12. Not mean spirited! I'm a firm believer in personal libraries! I'm just a little baffled by people with a greater tendency to organization than I have.

  13. "Your blog, on this computer, loses the first letter of every line!!!!!"

    FYI: That's how it is on mine too, until I click off 'favorites'. Then it shows the whole thing.

  14. Yeah, we're in that blissful in between stage where S-Boogie is big enough to just play with the books in her room and Little Dude is still to little to bother things. Talk to us again in a few months...

  15. .

    O has his own bookshelf which he can do whatever he wants with. It's filled mostly with boardbooks and library sale items.

    Our organization method has been dictated mostly by size in the past. But that certainly has its drawbacks. But until we have enough shelves for everything, things will just have to fit where they can, and segregating by size allows more stuff to fit.

    My Cousin Sbook also has an electronic filing system--not as wowza as Edgy's, but good. I think, each time we unpack a box, we need to at the very least input it into an Excel file.

    Has anyone got something in Access premade that we could use?
