Thursday, August 24, 2006

Vaguely Related Thoughts

  • I packed the first two boxes this afternoon. My last day of work will be two weeks from today. We'll be loading up the truck and taking off two weeks from Saturday. The reality of the end of my seven (total) years in Utah has yet to sink in. It feels like I've lived here forever and it still feels like I will live here forever.
  • The guy who got the position I should have starts on Monday. I have no intention of making any effort to like or even get to know him. I realize it's not his fault that one or two people in positions of power think I'm incompetent--in fact, I'm pretty sure it's mine--but just the same I don't want to bother. The last time someone else got a position I should have, I invited her to join my writing group. Immediately after she told me that she got the position, in fact. I didn't know her very well at the time, and knew nothing about her writing, but I knew she was interested in a writing group and I didn't want to hate her for something that was not her fault. I knew I'd be seeing her on a regular basis--she was going to be one of my supervisors--and I just didn't want to resent her. I'm glad I got to know her, too, because she's a fun person and a great friend. I imagine this new guy is a decent fellow, too, but this time the point is moot. I'm leaving in two weeks.
  • I'm having a hard time getting any specifics from the housing office, other than they're offering us a two-bedroom apartment. I don't need a lot of specifics, but little things like what date we can move in so I can reserve a moving truck and what our address will be so I can get utilities set up would be nice.
  • It seems some days that Foxy and I don't have the collective emotional energy to deal with two children in any sort of productive, happy, non-scarring sort of way.
  • I'm going to go pack more boxes.


  1. I have so much respect for parents. It's hard enough for me to get my own act together. When I'm not interupted from getting 8+ hours of sleep a night.

    Best of luck to both of you!

  2. Don't worry, look how much our parents scarred us, and we're all still here. And contributing to society, at that!! Sort of. I'm contributing a lot of whining about how hard the Peace Corps is, mostly. Must be the scars talking.

  3. Once I was passed over for a promotion in favor of a guy I already knew and hated. I quit and went to medical school. If I hadn't had that out, I would have gone crazy.

    Having just gone through a move I know the living hell you are about to experience. I wish you and your children the fewest scars possible.

  4. Ick. Packing boxes. I think I've had enough of that for a year and I'm not even done yet!

  5. ah yes the packing. We too are in the midst. Only our trouble is that we actually have no where to go since our mortgage broker dragged his feet and we missed our closing date on the new house. We are considered to be in breech of contract and in danger of losing the house and our earnest deposit, and yet we pack...
