Saturday, August 26, 2006

Back to Square One

So we discovered yesterday that the apartment offered to us by university housing is not available until mid-October. I need to be there in two weeks. After spending yesterday discussing our various options--finding a place that will rent to us for a month, finding a motel that does long-term rentals, having Foxy and the children stay here while I go to Seattle and live on the street for a month--we decided that all of those options involve way more cost, both financial and emotional, than the close, cheap on-campus housing is worth.

So now we're back to looking for an apartment. Except now we're working with a smaller pool of possibilities and with less time before we need somewhere to unload our seventeen-foot U-Haul.

Blaugh. Somebody shoot me.


  1. Weird. Lunk and I just found the perfect place for us that's available now (and will probably go soon) but we're going to have to break our contract (at the price of a month and a half worth of rent) if we move before mid-October... Or we'll have to pay double rent (again!). Our situations are so opposite!

  2. See--graduate school brings joys unheard of--let me know when you want to do that "lying down in the busy street and letting the cars run over you" thing. I have a good location in mind.

    By the way, if I stop by to meet you a couple of days before you leave, will that increase your stress enough to make you go bald?

  3. oof. You guys can come crash with me in Morocco, I've got two extra rooms and a flat toilet!!! And running water and electricity. We could just say that I finally decided to get married, and I'm becoming someone's second wife. It would work! I'm an Old Maid here, and people already think I'm "probably damaged goods" cause I don't live with my parents. Although, it is technically forbidden in Islam to take two sisters as wives...

  4. JB--We just took your earlier suggestion and contacted one of those places where you pay them to find an apartment for you. We'll either have you to thank or you to blame in a few days. :)

    Sam--You stopping by to meet us would certainly put the hair back on our heads.

    Skye--It's a good thing we're Mormons and not Muslims!

  5. Hmmm...try looking on Craigslist for a short-term sublet: be worth a shot, rather than giving up Uni housing altogether?

  6. You may have thought of these things already, but if you haven't foung anything yet -

    Do they still have YMCA's. Used to be you could rent a room (like if Foxy and the children came later) for a pretty nominal amount each night. 'Course that would mean paying double rent and moving the furniture later.

    Did you contact the wards there? 'Could be someone may be willing to rent something temporary that wouldn't otherwise advertise b/c it's ONLY temporary.
