Friday, August 04, 2006

Another Fifteen Minutes...

I suspect I'll have a few more hits here in the next few days. If you're not sure why, click on this link.

I feel somewhat obligated now to post more about being gay, Mormon, and married, as that's what people are expecting to find here. I do and I will, but I also intend to continue writing about other parts of my life. Enjoy. Let me know what you think.


  1. I thought this was a great story.

  2. Great pictures of you and your family--I noticed you can stay in the lines when you color...

    Landon recommended that the reporter talk to me, as well, but--I just don't have the appeal you GUYS do--and nevermind the fact that I've been married twice as long as any of you!!! Okay, I'll stop feeling snubbed now. It was obviously an article with a male slant, as Landon said.

    Still, all in all, WHAT FUN!! Nothing like a little publicity--now for the positive/negative feedback...

  3. Chris--you HAVE to say that--you have a personal interest in the writer!

  4. I think this is great.

  5. I think you're working on a full hour by this point. Congratulations! When you come into your own, you'll be going off like a rocket.

    You do realize, however, that many people will be looking at your site for more pictures of your adorable daughter (and your handsome son, who looks like me).

  6. Cool article! Actually, I'm proud of you and Jessie, both, to be willing to stick your neck out a bit to help people learn more about some of the realities of life that have previously been hidden. Undoubtedly, it will help others that need to realize that they need not be ashamed of who they are.

    You said, " . . . but I also intend to continue writing about other parts of my life."

    I say, Good! Because as you have pointed out, there are many other facets to your life - perhaps something just as important for readers to realize, as to read about the 'gayness'. This will give you a great opportunity to 'educate' people, won't it!

  7. I pretty much hate being anonymous, but for various reasons I'm not at the happy place you are. I've many times wanted to tell you how many interesting things we have in common, but I always hold back with comments that I'm afraid give too much away.


    Anyway, thanks for your great example.

  8. Very informative. And I commend you and your wife for your efforts. You are basically two of the most awesome people in Happy Valley.

    And, was there going to be another blog party before the end of the summer? Because I'm still feeling sad about that. Missing it, you know.

  9. Congratulaions on coming forth and speaking out! Your efforts to shed light on this other point of view is helping all of those still hiding in the shadows. Thanks.

  10. "SWEET!!!"

    How did you guys get involved in this article? I love that you did it with your real name and photos (unlike the other 2) I have always been proud of you 2 that you are just open about it to all. (we are still working on that part a little)

  11. Unlike -L-...I love being anonymous. And my kids are SOOOOO grateful that no one knows who I really am--including them.

  12. I LOVE MY GAY BROTHER IN LAW. I'm also liking this SCREAMING IN ALL CAPS THING. And I really love my gay brother-in-law. As a person who has gone from one extremely religious culture to another one EXPONENTIALLY more extreme, I thank you for your willingness to educate and raise awareness. Drop by drop the bucket fills, and water is the universal solvent. The world can change, just go visit the Grand Canyon. There is hope for the whole of humanity if there is hope for one person. Thank you for being a part of that hope.

  13. My ex (in England, mind you, that's how famous you are now) forwarded me this article, and I got to say, "Oh yeah, I know that guy!"

    We both thought the article was great, and really admire you and FoxyJ for your commitment to each other and to your family.

  14. .

    I didn't know Nemesis knew you--or did she just mean your blog?

    Anyway, can't I have any friends that are mine exclusively and not desperate to be FOBs as well?
