Monday, July 17, 2006

Fobsvithing Faithfully

For some reason I always end up svithing on Mondays. Perhaps when I start my own religion I'll make Monday the holy day. Then again, maybe I'll make every day a holy day so no one ever has to go to work.

But that is not what I want to svithe about. What I want to svithe about is this:

Yesterday I submitted three job applications--one in Orem and two in Seattle. Today I did a phone interview for a third Seattle possibility. Meanwhile, I love both of my jobs here in Utah Valley, despite the fact that working 45 hours a week without the pay and benefits of a full-time job kind of sucks.

After submitting the third application yesterday, my first thought was that my fate is now in other people's hands. Where I am and what I'm doing in a month and a half and then for the next few years is dependent on what job offers I receive.

My second thought was that this is not quite true. My fate is in God's hands--not because he is some master puppeteer working behind the scenes to control people, but because regardless of what job offers I receive, whether here, in Washington, or in Zimbabwe (I forgot to mention the job in Zimbabwe, didn't I?), Foxy and I will choose to do what we feel God tells us is best for our family.

The truth is, I'm a little anxious to find out where I'm going to be in September and what I'll be doing, but I'm not worried. Somehow, it'll work out and we'll be where we need to be. I suppose what I'm trying to say is this:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
- Proverbs 3:5,6
And I'll leave it at that.


  1. This has been my motto for at least 32 years and every time I leaned hard, it worked out. Keep leaning.
