Friday, May 19, 2006

Where is Master Fob?

Apparently I have been very busy over the past few weeks--judging busyness by the amount of time I have for blogging--but this seems odd to me, considering that I am no longer teaching, so I should have more time, not less. To be honest, I'm not sure how I've been so busy, but I'll offer some possibilities:
  • I have been busy looking for a second part-time job. I interviewed for a seasonal position as activities assistant at Thanksgiving Point, which seemed like a perfect fit for me and I for it, but after the interview I remembered how creatively draining activity planning jobs are, and had second thoughts about how perfect it was for me. Especially at $7.50 an hour. Luckily they decided they didn't want me, so I didn't have to make the decision. Now I'm hoping for a job at Provo Library.
  • I have been busy writing. Having finished revising two books (one I submitted and the other I decided to leave alone for another long while), I've started a new one. Writing is fun. It makes me happy.
  • I have been busy moving a library. The Orem Public Library is remodeling its south wing, which means that we have been moving two-thirds of the entire collection into the north wing and the other third to a new branch at the University Mall. Technically I haven't been working all that many extra hours, but it has happened that several times when I worked extra hours they have been either during S-Boogie's afternoon nap or in the evening when she goes to bed, which are the two times when I could otherwise blog guilt-free. The other thing is that since I have been moving large shelves and thousands upon thousands of books instead of sitting at a desk while at work, my internet surfing time has been cut drastically. I generally avoid blogging at work because there really are better things I could be doing on paid time, now any other internetting I do happens at home when I might have been blogging instead.
  • I have been busy listening to Harry Potter. I'm currently in the middle of Goblet of Fire. Listening to HP means that I take S-Boogie on a lot of long walks, when I otherwise might be in my bedroom blogging while she plays with knives in the kitchen.
  • I have been busy being abducted by aliens. This might explain the long periods of missing time and bruises in odd parts of my body.
That's about all I can figure out. Your guess is as good as mine.


  1. You want to get a second job at PPL? Is that allowed? What if a war broke out between OPL and PPL? Wouldn't you have split loyalties?

  2. Oooh! I'll start the war. PPL is a wonderful place, but sadly little stocked with non-sanitized books.

  3. .

    Does rewriting a submitted book mean it is making it through the process?

  4. No. I revised it, then submitted it. In that order.

  5. Hmmm. Have you ever thought of writing a column, like for a newpaper? It just occurred to me that it might be somewhat like writing a blog, which you're definitely good at! As I recall, I'm not the only one that's said it's too bad you can't make a living blogging! Maybe you should look into it (writing a column).

  6. My momma works at PPL... Not sure where that is going but ring me you'd like some assistance.
