Thursday, March 23, 2006


Foxy J brought a letter to me at work this morning letting me know that the University of Washington School of Information has recommended me for admission to the Graduate School. I am happy.


  1. Congratulations! That's very exciting. And Washington is an absolutely lovely state.

    Best word verification I've seen yet: blobdmd

  2. see?! Washington DOES want you!

  3. I wanted to be the first to say congratulations.

    I failed.

  4. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Now it's just I crossing my fingers for SPU. Congrats!

  5. Yay! I'll be interested to hear what the program's like and what classes you decide to take. (And if you have to take cataloging or not.)

  6. Everyone: Thank you.

    TB: Oh, but you were the first. Just not on my blog. And not counting Foxy J, who was the true first.

    Katya: I've looked over the requirements and I don't remember whether I have to take cataloguing but I know I'm going to whether I have to or not. I like cataloguing.

  7. Bravo Bravo---isn't life sunnier when you have a plan? I always love plans. Then there is something to deviate from when you have to...But this is good news!!

  8. .

    Um. I guess I'll the the eleventh....

    (Man, I suck!)

  9. Well, this is what I get for not reading the blogs everyday! :)


    So, will it be a problem if UH also accepts you into their Ph.D program, and offers you a teaching position? Or have you already decided your answer there?

    (Maybe I should finish reading before I ask, but I don't think you've said anything about UH responding yet???)

  10. Congrats. University of Washington rocks.
