Friday, February 10, 2006

An Ode To Fob

Inspired by editorgirl's implication that one poem does not qualify me to read in the Association for Mormon Letters' Poets of the Future presentation (where editorgirl will be reading), and by editorgirl's thing of late for meaningless but nice-sounding language poetry, and by my love for Fob, the greatest people on the planet.

Fob, fob, fibby fob fob
A fobby fob fob in your fob with a fob
I fobbed your fobby fob with a fob fob fob
While fobbing a fob with a fob fibby fob.

Who fobs?
I fob you fob he she it fobs
We fob you fob they fob
Thou fobst
Ye fob
On a fobby fob fob fob.

Go fob
whoa fob
no fob?
No fobbing fob!

Last fob I fobbed a fobbled fob of fobbled fobbers
And they fobbed back.
And now I fob till the fob
When we fob again.


  1. Wow. I just imagined in my head, as I was reading that, a movie of a rapper singing/saying your Ode to Fob along the veins of "The Chronic -What?- cles of Narnia" video. It was highly entertaining.

  2. .

    I've been looking for my email for a primitive version of this lovely work which I know I have but alas, I cannot find it. Where's a scholar when you need one!

  3. I would say that that was fobbin' fobtastic, but I am not sure of the etiquette of fobbery, i.e. am I allowed to participate, not even being an honorary fob? Would that be just too presumptous?

    I'm in a fobbin' quandary!

  4. If you take another look at the second stanza, my LDS friend with SSA, you will notice that not only I fob and we fob, but you also fob. Or thou fobst, if you prefer the archaic intimate second person singular.

  5. *wild applause. . . I mean. . . wild snapping*

    WV: Which spin off is the WOZLDBS?
