Sunday, January 29, 2006

Three Cheers for Tolkien Boy

1. Hurray for Tolkien Boy for being a novelist. The novel he's working on now promises to be even better than his first. Well, it doesn't literally say, "I promise to be better than the first novel," because that would be ridiculous, but I think it looks like it'll be positively delightful, whereas the first was only affirmatively delightful.

2. Hurrah for Tolkien Boy for being a funny, funny man.

3. Huzzah for Tolkien Boy for being a successful babysitter. He kindly watched S-Boogie last night while Foxy J and I went out for dessert. Well, technically, he watched The Simpsons last night while Foxy J and I went out for dessert and S-Boogie slept peacefully in her room, but the important thing is that S-Boogie is alive and well and apparently unscarred from her first Tolkien Boy babysitting experience. We'll have to take advantage of Tolkers' kindness more often, perhaps next time while S-Boog is awake and can enjoy his company.


  1. Three cheers for Tolkien Boy!

  2. Um. Oops. That last one was me... didn't realize Lunkwill was signed on... Anyway, I guess I can third AND fourth the cheering for Tolkien Boy now! :)

  3. I'm blushing right now. think my new novel is better than the old? When did this happen?

  4. I think Anti-Love Song will be better than Danette. I don't know yet because I've only read a chapter, but so far I'm impressed. This is not to knock Danette, which is great, but I would hope that you're improving as a writer with time and practice, if from nothing other than hanging out with me. :)
