Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Faith No More

I have long believed, but now I have a perfect knowledge: poop in the bathtub is gross.


  1. .

    But not as gross as you thought, right? I mean as far as poop soup goes?

  2. I got to get rid of my faith on that count years ago (I believe I was 11) due to my younger sister (6 years younger than me) when I was babysitting once (I also shared a room with her, she caused a stain on the carpet once too in the middle of the night which was entirely disgusting, but the bathtub thing was far worse).

    And thus ends my horribly ungrammatical tale of woe.

  3. poop soup! That's great!!

  4. Please, people. I'm eating.

  5. Try finding it in the couch.

  6. My ugliest moment in the tub involved corn syrup. i couldn't get out for a while, if you ever want to trap someone, corn syrup in the tub is the way to go, and if you want to torture them, a piece of poopie added in would definatly smear the situation. Ha. Yet, i will second SC in the couch comment. Ouch.

  7. ... FoxyJ can tell you about the bathroom rug...

  8. Only vomit coming from the upper bunk is as revolting as poop in the bathtub. I've cleaned up both many, many times. The bathtub thing is just so annoying. I guess there is something about the warm water right after eating dinner...eeewwwww. Parenthood is NOT for the sqeamish nor the sissy.
